Ways To Give
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Your Generosity Matters
Be a Part of Making a Change
Giving is an expression of our thankfulness and praise to God. It comes from a heart of worship that recognizes everything we have and give …
“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices—mint, dill and cummin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law—justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former.”
Why Give Online?
Receive peace of mind from a secure, reliable platform that most people have heard of and trust. Provide a convenient option to church-goers and supports who may not be able to come to church in person that may want to support through donation, Choose which donation amount options you want to offer donors.
4 Reasons Why Tithing is Important
1. God commands us to tithe.
Tithing is not some scheme that churches came up with to guilt people into forking over their cash so the church can pay the bills. It’s not in the least! We tithe because God said to do it. Read Malachi 3:8-12.
Let’s understand a few things as they relate to tithing:
- Tithing means 10%. In other words, when we make $10, we give $1 to God. When we make $100, we give $10.
- Our tithe is to be brought to the “storehouse”—in the Old Testament that was the temple, in the New Testament, that’s the church.
- When we tithe, God makes us better off financially.
- When we don’t tithe, God doesn’t just leave us alone, He actually often will make things financially worse.
Remember, God owns everything! So tithing is returning to God a portion of what He has given you. He allows you to keep 90% to manage your own needs. And, God wants you to test him in this: Reread Malachi 3:10b.
2. Tithing shows God that He has 100% of your heart.
Tithing is a tangible way of showing God that you’re all in. The great German reformer, Martin Luther, observed that in a Christian’s life, “There are three conversions necessary: the conversion of the heart, the mind, and the purse.”
God knows if we give back the first 10%, we’ve placed Him before money. Tithing tells God that He’s number one in your life. Why is this so important? Very simple: God won’t rest until He’s number one in our lives!

3. When you tithe, God intervenes and enables you to be better off living on 90% rather than 100%.
If we give away 10% of our income and manage the remaining 90% in a godly fashion, God will …
- Give us raises
- Sustain our health so we can keep our jobs
- Allow us to keep our job in the midst of a difficult economy
- Remove us from a job so we’ll get off our tails and get the job He wants us to have
- Curb our spending impulse
- Give us the desire/motivation to save
- Relieve our anxiety about money
- Meet a need that might arise in someone else’s life
4. Tithing evaluates your missional heart.
Who cares if you become the richest person in Beaufort County, or the world, if you lose your soul and the souls of those you could have reached? Read Matthew 28:18-20. This is the Great Commission. This is the mission of our church. This is the mission Jesus gave us. When you tithe, you help make that happen!
Jesus said where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Matthew 6:21). If you look at where you spend your money, you will find what you treasure. When you give to God, you are blessed beyond anything you could imagine. When you tithe, you give your first and best to God, knowing He will supply your needs.
Next Steps
Lots of Ways to Get Involved.
Giving Talents:
God has gifted each person with a talent to be used in God’s Kingdom for all eternity. You may know the areas that you are talented, or you may have always wanted to give something a try.LZBC wants you to have the opportunity to use your talents for God’s glory. Email us with questions or to receive information or guidance regarding the use of these
Giving Time:
In Matthew 9, Jesus says, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” This is the case today as well. It takes many hands and feet to accomplish Christ’s mission of grace for his church. Volunteer opportunities are ALWAYS available in different areas inside and outside of the church walls. Email us if you have any questions about some of these opportunities.
Giving Funds:
If you are looking for a way to give monetarily, the easiest way is through “in-person” giving as you join us for worship on Sunday morning. You can send it in the mail, or on our online giving platform: PayPal, there you set up a regularly occurring gift or make your donation as you choose, Whichever method you choose, we thank you for your support.
Online Giving
Simple and secure. Give a single gift, or schedule recurring giving using your checking account, debit, or credit card.
In-Person Giving
You can also give in person during the worship experiences or you can mail a gift to our main office. Please send any mailed gifts to the following address:
Little Zion Baptist Church
Attn: Tithing & Offering
15116 Tomahawk Creek Rd
Orange, Virginia 22960
Mobile Giving
Simple and secure. paypal.me/LZBC1870 to set up your mobile giving account. Give a single gift, or schedule recurring giving using your checking account, debit, or credit card. Our platform, PalPal, uses industry-leading security to protect your personal information and is never charged to your phone bill.
Making payment via QR codes is extremely quick as compared to other modes of payment. All a user has to do is simply open the QR code scan app, scan the QR code, and confirm to process the payment. Within a few seconds, the payments are made.: